Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS)


SWIS are located in elementary and secondary schools within the Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB) and the London District Catholic School Board (LDCSB). SWIS help newcomer students and families with their settlement needs and provide information and support regarding topics such as: the Canadian school system, community engagement and recreation, employment and income support, government services, health, housing, transportation, etc. Additionally, group information sessions on relevant topics for both parents and youth help to encourage school and community engagement. 

In addition, SWIS facilitate the NOW program (Newcomer Orientation Week) during August each year. The program, run by Peer Leaders, supports newcomer students in their transition to high school in Canada. Each year the NOW program works with 70-100 students from both school boards. The Peer Leaders are also available to students throughout the school year as friends and mentors.

To find out which schools have SWIS workers, click here for Thames Valley District School Board, or click here for the London District Catholic School Board.

For more information, contact Omnya Mahdi, Community Connections Manager via email:                         omnya.mahdi [at] (omnya[dot]mahdi[at]lusocentre[dot]org) OR via telephone: 519-452-1466 (office), 226-378-2899 (cell).

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